14 Brookfield Rd 

As most of you know, this lot has been an eyesore for years and in late January it posed a threat to neighbours on the street. We were contacted by neighbours to let us know the builder was in the process of removing bushes and small trees at the back of the property. The back of this property is a steep reverse ravine. This was very concerning because mudslides and floods had occurred on this property and neighbouring properties in the past. The vegetation on the slope, much of which was planted by the TRCA (Toronto Ravine Conservation Authority) is what keeps the hill intact. Neighbours contacted HHTW. The developer was stopped immediately and the city has now intervened and will prevent any more illegal cutting. The owner of the property (who is a developer) has requested many significant variances, starting in 2018. The neighbours gathered together and hired a lawyer and a planner to push back when the developer wanted to add a third story and increase lot coverage. Variances were denied at the Committee of Adjustment and TLAB. The owner has since reduced the size of the building and forgone the third story. The neighbours are now accepting of the new proposal. 

These photos show the steepness of the property and the state of disrepair the lot has been in for years:

What to do when you see a tree or vegetation in a ravine and no permit is produced

When we received the call from the neighbour concerning the removal of vegetation:

We immediately called 311 and directed neighbours to do the same.

We explained to the operator that it was happening now and to please expedite enforcement. We followed it up with an email 311Escalations@toronto.ca 


We followed up the phone call with a brief email to:

TRCA (Toronto Ravine Conservation Authority) tips@trca.ca   All of Hoggs Hollow is protected by the bylaws governing the TRCA

TPPR North   (Tree and Ravine Protection) tpprnorth.tpprnorth@toronto.ca.   

RNFP (The Ravine and Natural Feature Protection). rnfp@toronto.ca

Councillor Jaye Robinson was also contacted councillor_robinson@toronto.ca

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