25 Old York Mills
Agricola Finnish Lutheran Church Development (AFLCD)

On Nov. 20th the TLAB hearing began for this development, these hearings could last up to a week.  The YMVA is a participant, so they will have the opportunity to speak at the hearing.  We will be updated by Phillippa Perkins who lives across the street from the proposed development and will also be attending the hearings.

As HHTW, we are concerned about how this development will impact the mature trees on the property.   Almost all trees will be removed, including the Legacy Trees at the front of the property.  These are trees that people have purchased to honour deceased family/friends.  Photos attached.

As a “preemptive strike”, tree(s) were removed on November 2nd at the adjacent property, 14 Campbell Crescent.  When we arrived at least one large, mature City tree had already been removed.  The large trunk was still visible.  Kauko Leppala (Member of the Agricola Church Congregational Council and Executive Director of the House of Finland) had begun the removal of another tree but we were able to stop this.  He did not have permit.  311 was called, photos were taken.  Urban Forestry has informed us that an investigation is underway.

This home was recently purchased by the House of Finland. The previous homeowners had lived at 14 Campbell for over 40 years and had hoped to retire there.  They felt they could not live their remaining years beside a construction site, it is very sad to lose long term community members due to theses sort of circumstances.   

Our community is pushing back on a development that doesn’t make sense. The proposed 12-story building will gravely impact those living on Campbell, create a barrier between the community and the park and negatively impact all of us in many ways. Our concerns were detailed in a previous newsletter(add link from website***). Several diligent community members continue to ensure the neighbourhood’s concerns are heard, we will kept you updated.

Trees we will lose:

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